Zapiski Rossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva (Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society) is the journal of the Russian Mineralogical Society (RMS). It has appeared continuously since 1866 and publishes research papers in the fields of mineralogy, crystallography, petrology, economic geology, and geochemistry.
Subject areas suitable for publication include new minerals, classification and nomenclature of minerals, mineral parageneses, mineral deposits, mineralogical crystallography, experimental mineralogy, major and trace element mineral chemistry, thermodynamic modeling of petrological and geochemical processes, organic mineralogy and biomineralogy, archaemineralogy, applied mineralogy, and environmental mineralogy.
Zapiski RMO is traditionally addressed to Russian readers, many of them are members of RMS. At the same time, the publication of articles in English is highly welcomed.
Selected English translations of the journal articles are annully published as special issues of Geology of Ore Deposits (ISSN 1075-7015; e-ISSN 1555-6476; distributed worldwide by Springer).
- Publisher: Russian Academy of Scences
- Periodicity: 6 issues per year
- Language of publication: Russian or English
- Abstracted and indexed: International Geology Review, Mineralogical Abstracts, MinAbs Online, GeoRef, GeoBase, Speleological Abstracts, SCOPUS, Web of Science (RSCI)
- Journal metrics: CiteScore (2019) 0.8, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) (2019) 0.386