Volume 146, issue 6

New minerals

Redefinition of lemanskiite: new mineralogical data, crystalstructure and revised formula NaCaCu5(AsO4)4Cl∙3H2O

ZubkovaN. V., PekovI. V., ChukanovN. V., KasatkinA. V., KsenofontovD. A., YapaskurtV. O., BritvinS. N., PushcharovskyD. Yu.

Pages 43-61

Vanadio-pargasiteNaCa2Mg4V[Si6Al2]O22(OH)2– new mineral of the amphibole group

Reznitsky L. Z., Sklyarov E. V., Cametti G., Armbruster T., Suvorova L. F., UshchapovskayaZ. F.,Barash I. G.

Pages 62-74

New minerals. LXXI

Smolyaninova V. N.

Pages 75-97

Minerals and mineral parageneses

Composition of plagioclases in rocks of layered series ofthe platinum-bearing Vurechuaivench massif, Monchegorsky complex (Kola region)

Rundkvist T. V Pripachkin P. V., Bazay A. V.

Pages 98-110

Applied mineralogy

Mineral composition and architectonies of the «Bronze Horseman» pedestal in Saint Petersburg

Bulakh A. G., Popov G. N., Yanson S. Yu., GavrilenkoV.V., Ivanov M. A., Platonova N. V.

Pages 111-125