Volume 132, issue 6
New minerals
Pekov I. V., Chukanov N. V., Yamnova N. A., Egorov-Tismenko Yu. K., Zadov A. E.
Pages 1-14
Moskvinite-(Y),NA2K(Y,REE)[SI6O15], a new mineral
Agakhanov A. A., Pautov L. A., Sokolova E. V., Hawthorne F. C, Karpenko V. Y.
Pages 15-20
Minerals and mineral parageneses
Kuleshevich L V.
Pages 34-43
OH groups in vesuvianites from skarns and rodingites: infrared spectroscopy research
Kurazhkovskaya V. S., Borovikova Ye. Yu.
Pages 54-59
Mn-Fe-Mg orthorhombic pyroxene from gondite formation of Priolkhonye (the West Baikal region)
Koneva A. A.
Pages 60-62
Peculiarities of chemical composition of the scapolite group Minerals
Zolotarev A. A., Petrov T. G., Moshkin S. V.
Pages 63-84
Mineralogical cristallography
GlikinA. E., Gerasimova E. N., Galuskin E. V.
Pages 85-86
Discussions, criticism, bibliography
Burns Peter C.
Pages 90-114