Volume 138, issue 3
Genesis of kimberlite magmas and diamonds resulting from correlation between their crystallomorphology and composition of host kimberlites
Shkodzinskiy V. S., Tolstov A. V.
Pages 1-14
Composition and structural peculiarities of minerals from the Early Proterozoic sedimentary rocks in geological section if the Kola Superdeep Borehole and their surface homologues
Skuf’in P. K., Lyutoev V. P.
Pages 15-32
Mineralogical indices and reasons of the high-pressure conditions while crystallization of lithium-fluorine granites
Alekseev V. I.
Pages 33-44
Distribution of oxygen isotopes in rocks and minerals of the critical zone of Yoko-Dovyrensky massif
Orsoev D. A.
Pages 45-55
Hydrothermal fluids: thermobaric parameters and their function in the ore-forming processes
Naumov G. B., Mironova O. F.
Pages 56-69
New minerals
Reznitsky L. Z., Sklyarov E. V., Armbruster T., Ushchapovskaya Z. F., Galuskin E. V., Polekhovsky Yu. S., Barash I. G.
Pages 70-81
Yegorovite Na4[Si4O8(OH)4]·7H2O -a new mineral from Lovozero alkaline massif (Kola Peninsula)
Pekov I. V., Zubkova N. V., Chukanov N. V., Zadov A. E., Grishin V. G., Pushcharovsky D. Yu.
Pages 82-89
Voloshinite-a new rubidium mica from granite pegmatites of Voron’i tundras (Kola Peninsula)
Pekov I. V., Kononkova N. N., Agakhanov A. A., Belakovskiy D. I., Kazantsev S. S., Zubkobva N. V.
Pages 90-100
Kamarizaite Fe3+3(AsO4)2(OH)3·3H2O-a new mineral, arsenate analogue of tinticite
Chukanov N. V., Pekov I. V., Möckel S., Mukhanova A. A., Belakovskiy D. I., Levitskaya L. A., Bekenova G. K.
Pages 100-108
Minerals and mineral parageneses
Gabov D. A.
Pages 112-118
Behoite and mimetite from Sakhariok alkaline massif (Kola Peninsula)
Lyalina L. M., Savchenko Ye. E., Selivanova E. A., Zozulya D. R.
Pages 118-126
Investigation techniques for minerals, rocks and ores
Shchapova Yu. V., Votyakov S. L., Ivanov V. Yu., Pustovarov V. A.
Pages 127-139
Infrared spectroscopy of hydrogen-bearing groupings in granulated quartz from «Berkutinskaya» vein (the South Urals)
Shtenberg M. V., Bykov V. N.
Pages 139-144