Volume 140, issue 6

New minerals, classification and nomenclature minerals

Perrierite-(La)(La,Ce,Ca)4Fe2+(Ti,Fe)4(Si2O7)2O8-a new mineral species from volcanic region Eifel, Germany

ChukanovN. V., Blass G., PekovI. V., Belakovskiy D. I., Van K. V.Rastsvetaeva R. K., Aksenov S. M.

Pages 34-44

New Minerals. LXV

Smolyaninova V. N.

Pages 45-69

The finding of the zonal wolframoixiolite and its genetic meaning

Alekseev V. I., Marin Yu. B.

Pages 98-100

Zink-bearing staurolite from kyanitc schists of Keivy (Kola Peninsular)

Neradovsky Yu. N., Voytekhovsky Yu. L., Savchenko Ye. E.

Pages 100-105

Discussions, bibliography, reviews

Nature of the different nitrogen content in diamond

Shkodzinsky V. S.

Pages 113-119


International workshop «Mineralogical Perspectives»

Kuznetzov S. K., Sokerina N. V.

Pages 119-121