Volume 142, issue 2
Impact diamonds of Popigai astrobleme: their principal features and industrial uses
Masaitis V. L.
Pages 1-10
Parameters of metamorphism of the Pristanovoy belt metabasites (the south-eastern framing of the North-Asian craton)
Buchko I. V., Sorokin A. A., Rozhdestvina V. I., Buchko Ir. V.
Pages 11-34
Calcite in salt rocks of the North Kaspian region-indicator of their epigenetic transformation
Vishnyakov A. K., Vlasov V. V., Grevtsev V.A., Vasserman D. V., Frolova N. A., Shinkarev A. A. (jr.)
Pages 35-43
Minerals and mineral parageneses
Savelyeva V. В., Kanakin S. V., Karmanov N. S.
Pages 44-66
Rare-metal mineralization in albitized granites at the Irbo area (Western Transbaikalia)
Rampilov M. O., Ripp G. S., Doroshkevich A. G., Kanakin S.V., Khodyreva E. V.
Pages 67-83
Bismuth sulfosalts in the oxide-ferruginous products of submarine oxidation of clastic ores from the Lahanos massive sulfide deposit (Turkey)
Ayupova N. R., Maslennikov V. V., Kotlyarov V. A.
Pages 83-93
The form of rhenium occurrence in molybdenite from deposits of different genetic types
Maximyuk I. E., Kulikova I. M.
Pages 94-106
Mineralogical crystallography
Reznitsky L. Z., Sklyarov E. V., Armbruster Т., Suvorova L. F., Uschapovskaya Z. F., Kanakin S. V.
Pages 107-120
The crystal structure of cattiite, Мg3(РO4)3(Н2O)22
Chernyatieva A. P., Krivovichev S. V., Britvin S. N.
Pages 120-128
Morphological evidence of the intergranular diffusion-controlled growth of metapelite garnet
Gulbin Yu. L., Glazov A. I.
Pages 128-136