Volume 144, issue 2
Fluid regime of the alkaline rock-forming process in the Shibanovsky massif (southern Primorye, Russia)
Stepnova Yu. A., Chashchin A. A., Pakhomova V. A.
Pages 14-29
New minerals
Chukanov N. V., Zubkova N. V., Möhn G., Pekov I. V., Pushcharovsky D. Yu., Zadov A. E.
Pages 36-47
Mendigite, Mn2Mn2MnCa(Si3O9)2, a new mineral species from the Eifel volcanic region, Germany
Chukanov N. V., Aksenov S. M., Rastsvetaeva R. K., Van K. V., Belakovskiy D. I., Pekov I. V., Gurzhiy V. V., Schüller W., Ternes B.
Pages 48-60
Improved data on kyzylkumite from its type-locality on the base of studied co-type material
Reznitsky L. Z., Suvorova L. F., Ushchapovskaya Z. F., Murashko M. N., Barash I. G.
Pages 61-70
Minerals and mineral parageneses
Sandimirova E. I., Sidorov E. G., Chubarov V. M.
Pages 71-82
Find of cordierite hornfels in the Upper layered horizon of the West-Раnа platinum-bearing massif at Kola Peninsula
Groshev N. Yu., Rundqvist T. V.,Bazai A. V.
Pages 82-98
Stages in formation of uranium mineralization in the Salla-Koulajarvinskaya zone (Northern Karelia): geological and isotope gcochronological data
Kalinin A. A., Kaulina T. V., Lyalina L. M., Elizarov D. K., Serov P. A.
Pages 99-108
Mineralogical crystallography
Panikorovskii T. L., Zhitova E. S., Krivovichev S. V., Zolotarev A. A., jr., Britvin S. N., Yakovenchuk V. N., Krzhizhanovskaya M. G.
Pages 109-119
The Plato's octahedron and probabilities of combinatorial types of crystal-polyhedron in the nature
Rakin V. I.
Pages 119-130
Morozov M. V., Petrov D. A.
Pages 131-136