Report on scientific, organizational and editorial activities of the Russian Mineralogical Society in 2011—2015

Marin Yu. В., Morozov Μ. V.

Zapiski RMO (Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society). 2016. V. 145. N 1. P. 17-25

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Language: Russian


The article contains analytical review of scientific, organizational and editorial activities of the Russian Mineralogical Society for the 2011—2015 period. Activities of the Scientific Council, the RMS Presidium, the Library, regional branches and the Society commissions are discussed. Most significant scientific events (conferences, meetings, scientific schools, etc.) which took place in Russia are listed. There are suggested also for the future some principal directions in development of the Society. Special attention is attracted to the RMS scientific journal «Zapiski RMO» («Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society»): paper receiving, peer reviews, distribution of the journal, editorial board. Publishing of the thematical Conferences’ materials and other RMS prints are considered also.

Key words: Russian Mineralogical Society, scientific and organizational activities, special commissions, regional branches, achievements and tasks, editorial activity.