Mineral and physical-chemical systems of evaporites: geochemical and thermodynamical aspects

Krivovichev V. G., Charykova M. V.

Zapiski RMO (Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society). 2016. V. 145. N 2. P. 30-43

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Language: Russian


Comparative analysis of the mineral species distribution by various systems has been carried out for evaporites in two lakes: Inder (Kazakhstan) and Searles (USA); it included also the comparison of these objects by character of distribution of the species-forming elements. It was established that, among species-forming elements, Ca, K, Na, Cl, B and S are the «superfluous» ones — present in amounts excessive to quantity of mineral species in these evaporites; on the contrary, Si and Al are «deficient» ones. It is shown that a comprehensive analysis of the mineral composition of evaporites with selection of species-forming elements (mineral systems) may be used as an objective base for construction of quantitative physical-chemical models of the formation of different types of evaporites. Moreover, this approach allows also to better understand conditions of the forming for some solid phases (including crystallohydrates), which were synthesized in aqueous-salt systems in laboratory, but not yet were found in nature.

Key words: species-defining constituent, n-component mineral systems, evaporates, mineral clarkes.