Mincralogical features of alkaline granite pegmatites in the Khaldzan Buregteg massif (Western Mongolia)

Zenina K. S., Konovalenko S. I.

Zapiski RMO (Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society). 2016. V. 145. N 3. P. 63-80

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Language: Russian


Multiple veins and schlieren bodies of alkaline-granite pegmatites occur both inside the Khaldzan-Buregteg massif and in its exocontact zone. These pegmatites are characterized by the extremely complecated mineral composition, and its peculiarities were examined with application of the cadastral-informational analysis. It is shown that the base of the unique mineral complexity in structure of these veins was provided by multiple accessory minerals of rare and rare-earth elements (Nb, Ta, Be, Zr, Y, La, Ce). The substance constitution of alkaline-granite pegmatites of the Khaldzan-Buregteg massif is mainly defined by 31 chemical elements composing 65 mineral species presented more than for 78 %by silicates and oxides. In general, in composition of these pegmatites participate 9 classes of chemical compounds: silicates, oxides and hydroxides, sulfides, sulphates, carbonates, phosphates, fluorides, arsenates and native elements. At the same time, pegmatites contain a relatively low content of simple substances and halogen compounds.

Key words: alkaline-granite pegmatites, Khaldzan-Buregteg massif, cadastral-information analysis.