Volume 147, issue 3
Geology and geochemistry of Neoarchaean subalkaline magmatism of the Keivy structure (Kola Peninsula).
Vetrin V. R.
Pages 1-15
Minerals and mineral parageneses
Ismail-zadeh A. J., Kengerli T. N., Ahmedov A. М., Amirov A. S.
Pages 16-27
Spinelids and höbgbomite-supergroup minerals from sulfide-free endogenous Pb-Zn-Sb-As association in the Pelagonian massif (Macedonia).
Ermolaeva V. N., Varlamov D. A., Jančev S., Chukanov N. V.
Pages 27-43
New data on chemical composition and vibrational spectra of magnetoplumbite-group minerals.
Chukanov N. V., Vorobei S. S., Ermolaeva V. N., Varlamov D. A., Plechov P. Y., Jančev S., Bovkun A.V.
Pages 44-58
Namibite from the Alakurtti pegmatites (Kola region).
Borisova V. V., Voloshin A. V., Kompranchenko A. A., Selivanova E. A., Basay A. V.
Pages 59-68
Fluid inclusions in zoisite from the Merelani Hills deposit, Tanzania
Kazantseva М. I., Ponomareva N. I., Bocharov V. N.
Pages 69-81
Mineralogical crystallography
Zhitova E. S., Panikorovskii T. L., Yakovenchuk V. N., Krzhizhanovskaya M. G.
Pages 82-94
Catapleiite behavior under heating and crystal structure of the product of its high-temperature transformation — the new phase with nine-membered rings of Si—O-tetrahedra
Ksenofontov D. A., Grebenev V. V., Zubkova N. V., Pekov I. V., Kabalov Yu. K., Chukanov N. V., Pushcharovsky D. Yu., Artamonova A. A.
Pages 94-108