Application of the Curie’s principle in geology

B. S. Levin

Zapiski RMO (Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society). 2018. V. 147. N 6. P. 136-144

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Language: Russian


The Curie’s principle, combined with Shubnikov and Shafranovsky’s scientific statement on the possibility of asymmetric features coexistence within one system, give rise to the special dual consequence. The direct consequence: the features of the system that differ in symmetry are formed by different processes with similar symmetry characteristics. This statement is applicable to various geological situations. The converse consequence is not so unambiguous: features of the system with identical symmetries are most likely formed by a single process with a similar symmetry characteristic. The article presents geological examples illustrating the validity of both consequences, as well as situations that at first sight contradict them.

Key words: symmetry, Curie’s principle, Shubnikov and Shafranovsky’s scientific statement, geological systems and processes.