Mineralogical studies and the use of mineralogical information when solving problems of petro- and ore-genesis

Marin Yu. B.

Zapiski RMO (Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society). 2020. V. 149. N 4. P. 1-15


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Language: Russian 


The deep penetration of crystal chemistry and physics of minerals into mineralogy, as well as the introduction of modern physical methods have advanced mineralogical research to a qualitatively new level. Having provided progress in the knowledge of the constitution and properties of minerals they have somewhat moved mineralogy away from solving its fundamental problems, i.e. deducing mineralogical regularities. With the help of new methods, many spectacular genetic deciphers were made, but due to the ignorance of laws of anatomy and ontogeny of minerals, many mistakes were also made. Insufficient attention to the study of zoning, sectorality, micro- and nano-inclusions, grain boundaries of the mineral individual precludes obtaining important information that reflects its development, change, and relationships with other minerals, and calls into question the reliability of the conclusions made. There is a need to return to the discussion of rules for obtaining and using mineralogical information, the place and sequence of mineralogical research in solving problems of petro- and ore-genesis. The processes of petro- and ore-genesis are implemented in wide thermodynamic and spatial-temporal boundaries, which leads to the appearance of mineral generation, stages and phasing reflected in the features of the composition and structure of mineral individuals and aggregates. Rational research of minerals in solving genetic problems can be represented as a multi-stage process of establishing the sequence of mineral formation, identifying their indicator parameters, geochronological dating, reconstruction of petro- and ore-genesis conditions. When determining the range of indicator minerals, it is important to take into account their place in the geological evolution of the object under study. The most important requirement for sampling mineral indicators and geochronometers is that their properties match the specific parameters of the object or process being studied. This is a prerequisite for reliable interpretation of genetic information obtained in the course of mineralogical research. Effective use of indicator properties of mineral individuals and aggregates for solving genetic problems is possible only if a systematic approach to the study of objects and accurate spatial and temporal binding of the determined parameters take place, the reliability of which is provided by ontogenic analysis with a detailed study of the structure of individuals and aggregates. Only based on the knowledge of mineragenetic laws, ontogeny methods and a reasonable sequence of their application in the study of minerals, it is possible to effectively use the results obtained in the correlation of rocks, determining the genetic and formation type of mineralization, indicators of its scale, stage, etc.

Keywords: mineralogical research, mineral individuals and aggregates, anatomy and ontogeny of minerals, mineralogical laws and regularities, indicator minerals and geochronometers, typomorphism, petro-and ore-genesis