The XI All-Russian School of Young Scientists “Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry”

Kovalskaya T. N., Safonov O. G.

Zapiski RMO (Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society). 2021. V. 150. N 2. P. 117-120

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Language: Russian 


Since 2010, the Institute of Experimental Mineralogy named after Academician D.S. Korzhinsky is annually carried out the All-Russian School of Young Scientists “Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry”. The XI School in 2020 was dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the outstanding Russian scientist – Academician A.A. Marakushev (1925–2014). His students and followers, leading experts in the earth sciences, were invited to it with plenary reports. The School touches upon topical problems of experimental research in the Earth Sciences: modeling the genesis and evolution of mantle and crustal magmatic systems, the behavior and interaction of mineral associations and individual minerals in them, as well as in postmagmatic processes; modeling of ore-generating systems, behavior of ore components in the evolution of various geological systems; experimental determination of thermodynamic parameters of minerals, fluids, melts and their associations, followed by their application to assess the physic-chemical parameters of geological processes. The scope of reports included experimental and theoretical study of the physicochemical properties of rocks and minerals at various P–T parameters for modeling geodynamic processes; methods and techniques of experimental, analytical and theoretical (using computer technology) research in the earth sciences. The School contributes to improving the quality and popularization of experimental research among young scientists in geosciences and materials science.

Keywords: experimental research, evolution of mantle, magmatic systems, postmagmatic processes, P–T parameters