Memorial events and dates of the life of academician N.P. Yushkin (to his 85th anniversary)

Askhabov A. M., Marin Yu. B.

Zapiski RMO (Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society). 2021. V. 150. N 3. P. 141-144

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Language: Russian 


Academician Nikolay Pavlovich Yushkin (1936–2012) belongs, undoubtedly, to the most prominent Russian mineralogists, the scientist of encyclopedically wide overview, with an evident innovation in the science of mineralogy. In 1971 Nikolay Pavlovich has organized the laboratory of Genetic and Experimental Mineralogy in the Institute of Geology of the Komi Scientific Center. He carried out numerous field expeditions in many regions of Russia, in USA, Bolgaria, Italy, Spain, and other countries. He edited two books of the “Urals Mineralogy”. In 1991 he has been elected the permanent member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Due to his achievements, the up-to-date Mineralogy become enriched in new evolutionary approaches, with critical analysis and generalization of accumulated data on the mineral world evolution. Probably, the most important was his concept of the hydrocarbon crystallization of the Life, in which polymeric crystals of hard hydrocarbons were looked like the pre-biologic live-beings. This concept becomes the base for the new theory of the Life origin. In 1996 the Syktyvkar mineralogical school becomes officially approved as the leading scientific school in Russia, with the major research direction “Mechanisms and evolution of mineral-forming processes in history of Earth, interactions and co-evolution of the Live and Mineral worlds”. The paper attracts attention to memorial events and dates (by 5-years periods) in the life of Academician N.P. Yushkin, to events having the key role in his scientific destiny.

Keywords: N.P. Yushkin, geologist and mineralogist, memorial events, dates of life