100th anniversary of the Fedorov institute

Voytekhovsky Yu. L.

Zapiski RMO (Proceedings of the Russian Mineralogical Society). 2021. V. 150. N 4. P. 135-141


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Language: Russian 


The article is devoted to a significant date in the history of Russian science – the 100th anniversary of the Institute of Crystallography, Mineralogy, Petrography and Ore Deposits, established within the Mining Institute in honor of Academician E.S. Fedorov by the initiative of his students and colleagues, first of all – of Professor A.K. Boldyrev. The main achievements of the Institute during the short period of its existence, as well as the fates of the main scientific ideas and organizational initiatives are briefly reviewed.

Keywords: Institute of crystallography, mineralogy, petrography and ore deposits, E.S. Fedorov, A.K. Boldyrev, Fedorov Scientific Session, Russian Mineralogical Society