Volume 151, issue 4
Oriented Micro-Inclusions of Al–Fe–Mg–Ti Oxides in Quartz from Metapelitic Granulites of the Bunger Hills, East Antarctica
Yu. L. Gulbin, I. A. Abdrakhmanov, I. M. Gembitskaya, and E. A. Vasiliev
Pages 1-17
New minerals
L. A. Pautov, A. A. Agakhanov, I. V. Pekov, V. Yu. Karpenko, O. I. Siidra, E. V. Sokolova, F. C. Hawthorne, and A. R. Fayziev
Pages 18-32
Minerals and mineral parageneses
B. B. Gerasimov
Pages 33-55
Platinum Group Minerals in Chromitites of the Agardag Ultramafiс Massif (Repablic of Tyva): New Dat
А. N. Yurichev
Pages 56-69
Composition of Deposits in the Grebnevskaya Cave, Irkutsk Region
E. P. Bazarova, O. I. Kadebskaya, O. V. Korotchenkova, and M. N. Rubtsova
Pages 70-86
Mineralogical crystallography
R. K. Rastsvetaeva, N. V. Chukanov, I. V. Pekov, and M. F. Vigasina
Pages 87-101
Discussions, criticism, bubliography
L. A. Pautov, A. A. Agakhanov, I. V. Pekov, and V. Yu. Karpenko
Pages 102-122